Tuesday, November 4, 2014

My List For Today

    Here is today. Once it was 24 hours but now it is only 13 hours. So quickly almost one half of my day is gone.  And where did I put my list of all I have to do today?  Oh, there it is on the table over there. Glad I found it.  Now can I see what I have done and what I have yet to do today. This is the only way I can stay on top of all the things I need to do. It seems I have so very much to do every day.
    Humm. I wonder if my Heavenly Father has a list of things for me to do today. I think I need to ask him to be sure. I do want to do what he wants me to and be sure I'm doing the right things.  Yes, tomorrow morning I'll ask. No, that's too late. I make my list the night before so I should ask him for his list for me at the same time. Then I can put them together and prioritize them. On the other hand, I know his list for things for me to do should come first.  Ok, this should make my days better. He knows what is best for me so he will add his purpose and joy to my day--no, to my days.
    This is great. Thank you Father for helping me see this.  I don't know why I'm so slow but this is the right way to spend my days . Thank you for your list for me and to know you are going with me to do all these things.  This changes my whole outlook.  It will make each day special because you are right here with me.  Wow!

Monday, November 3, 2014

A Unusual and Blessed Evening

        Have you ever felt like you were up on cloud nine?  When you have really been blessed your spirits do wonderful things for you. How did I have such a fantastic evening?  The answer is easy. The Lord gave me special friends and many came over tonight to give me hugs and blessings on my new adventure. What special encouragers they are.
       It all happened this way.  My sons feel at my "tender" age it is time for me to be close to one of them. My choices are Chicago, Houston, or Phoenix.  On September 15th they asked for my choice and  on September 17th I settled on Phoenix.  They also want me to be there before the snow falls in Indiana.  So a plan was made and I am leaving my friends here in Indiana and moving to Sun City West in Arizona November 15th.
      Tonight several of us were having dinner together and we ended up with a bit of singing, some prayers, and lots of hugs.  I was offered seven places to stay when I come back to visit. What a blessed time.
I also told them that I feel like Abraham must have felt as recorded in the 12th chapter of Genesis when the Lord told him to leave his home in Haran, the place where he had always lived, and go to the land of  Canaan. Of course it is much easier  for me as there are good roads, and good places to stay all night, and even McDonald's and Wendy's available along the way. I can stay in touch with my friends with all this modern technology now too. Yet it really feels like a new adventure and I do like adventures.
      Yes, it has been a blessed evening and I praise the Lord for all the support and love that filled the room tonight.  Wow!  Now I will go forward with eyes wide open looking for the new adventure the Lord has ready for me.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

What A Nice Surprise

              Isn't it wonderful when you get a nice surprise. I was in Hallmark Card shop looking at Thank You notes when a man came over looking for some special ones.  As a clerk came to help him, he said he needed three of those pretty ones with the purple flowers on them.
               "My wife just died six weeks ago and she told me to send a note of thanks to everyone that helped her," he said. "I know she would like those especially."  This caused me to inquire a bit about the grief journey he is on. "I never thought it would be like this," he replied. I certainly understood as I have been down that road. From my own grief experience I now desire to help anyone going through it too. 
               I have a book, actually a journal for widows called Hope for Today and Tomorrow. Now was the time to tell him about a book for widowers. My friend, Nyle Kardatzke just published, Widow-Man. That was what he wanted. He immediately wanted to know where he could get one.
              "I'm sorry I don't have one but here is my card and I can get one for you, or better yet, you can get one on Amazon," I told him.
              We had further discussion about dealing with the loss of your loved one and then I went on over to pick out some birthday cards.  Suddenly he came to me and handed me a note, or at least that was what I thought it was and then he left. Looking at the note in my hand I discovered it wasn't a note at all but a $20 gift card. Evidently he was so appreciative of our conversation that he wanted to thank me.  I was and still am amazed that a perfect stranger would appreciate our conversation and the understanding and sympathy I gave him and give me a gift. What a blessing.  And more than that, what an example of giving a blessing to a stranger. Obviously he was following the scripture we have often heard, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
              Each day is new and unknown. Let's go forward with joy and anticipation looking as to whom we can help. Isn't it interesting how the Lord is with us all the time and has his special plans for you and for me. Takes us back to Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"  What a loving, wonderful, Almighty God we have that cares for you and me all the time and "orders our steps and prepares the way that we may serve him this whole day."

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014

How to Retire From Ministry

Here's my book number 7.  

How To Retire From Ministry

Ending with Peace

Donna S Thomas

Tomorrow you can read inside 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Better Than a Cell Phone

I was in the car heading out on a trip and realized I had forgotten my cell phone. Wow! I can't go without it. I'd be lost. It tells me what route to take, and it is my security blanket if I run into trouble. Besides, with it I am always available to get messages and stay in touch. It's important to me and gives me comfort. I do have to recharge it at night and be sure it is turned on. I have learned to depend on it and feel secure because I have it with me.

Amazing. This is the kind of relationship I have all the time with my Heavenly Father. Yes, some similarities. Sure I have to recharge at night but I'm the one that has to recharge, not God. Yes, I have to remember he goes with me everywhere and be sure not to leave him behind. How wonderful. My Heavenly father is always with me, directing me, sending messages my way, always available. Besides he walks besides me or in the car I can say it sits beside me there. Why? Because he cares for me. I am his child and he has his plans for my life. I just have to take him with me and get my directions from him.

Sure, we can't get along without our cell phone.  And we certainly can't be blessed and have direction for our life without our Heavenly Father.  How wonderful he is always with us.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What A Surprise.

It not Christmas now but this is an interesting story anyway.  I was at my son's house in Texas. It was Christmas morning and the whole family was hurrying to find their place by the Christmas tree. Christmas presents are always special.  Sometimes those packages have expected gifts and other times they hold surprises. One was really unusual as it had four long legs and looked like a deer, even with antlers. It certainly took a lot of imagination and skill to wrap a gift like that. Santa had surely come.
               My first gift was from Nicole.  Opening it up I discovered there was only a small card in the bottom.  It was wrapped too.  What would this be?  Pulling it out I found a $25 gift card to Abuelos. Great surprise. I didn't know she knew that I liked to eat there.  
              Nicole brought me my next present Peeling off the wrapping and opening it I discovered another $25 gift card from Abuelos.  Fantastic.  I can take a friend with me when I get back home. We can go there for a treat.  I really like Mexican food.
              Marty brought me my third present which was a box about two feet long.  Tearing it open I saw two $25 Abuelos gift cards.  This is getting interesting.  They obviously know Abuelos is my favorite restaurant and that I have gone to the one in my city many times in these past ten years.  Humm.  This adds up to $100. Wow! Well actually when they had come to visit me, I have taken them to Abuelos so they knew I liked that place.
              Nicole brings me another beautiful present.  I've never had a Christmas like this before.  Tearing this one open I found two more $25 gift cards.  At this rate I can take my friends to Abuelos and have a wonderful time.
              Now Morgan moves to the Christmas tree and picks up this gift that looks like a deer. I carefully open it and guess what I found, two more $25 gift cards.  Looking at these precious gifts from my family it was easy to see they had purposely planned to give me something I would really like and would certainly enjoy. It was easy to add these up and see that they totaled $200.  Wow!  I can really have a great time going to Abuelos when I get home and every time I go enjoy again the love my family shared with me with these special Christmas gifts. 
              Yes it really was a big surprise. I never had a Christmas like this before. Isn't it wonderful when your family does something special for you?  Now all my gift cards are used but that doesn't matter. This was a gift I will certainly remember.